

The Request Form allows you to fill in and save the form; however, it MUST be printed, contain an original signature, and be mailed to the Attorney General's Office. The Attorney General does not address issues concerning matters currently in litigation.

If the opinion request is submitted by a board or governing body, a resolution from the board or governing body should also be included setting forth the facts showing the nature and character of the question that makes the advice sought necessary to the present performance of some official act that the officer must immediately perform.

When searching by opinion number use the following formats:

  • Opinions 79-00001 to 95-00338, use format yynnnnn (ex: 8500001)
  • Opinions 96-00001 to 99-00290, use format yy-nnnnn (ex: 96-00331)
  • Opinions 2000-001 to Present, use format yyyy-nnn (ex: 2000-025)

Opinion Search